Invited Speakers for INNOCOM II 2021
Speaker 1
Asma Hanee Ariffin received the degree in Information Technology (majoring in Artificial Intelligence) from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2002, followed by Master Degree in the same field and the same university in 2004. Currently, she is an Information Technology lecturer in Computing Department, Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Tanjong Malim, Perak.
As Final Year Project (FYP) Coordinator for Bachelor of Education (Information Technology, Multimedia, Computer Aided Design Technology) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (Educational Software), she contributed and managed almost ten (10) FYP Showcases where students had the opportunity to present and demonstrate their prototype system or product.
From the selected FYP, she managed and brought out them into several Research Competitions, local and international, including;
Her current research interests include Application of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Affective Computing and Knowledge Management.
As Final Year Project (FYP) Coordinator for Bachelor of Education (Information Technology, Multimedia, Computer Aided Design Technology) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (Educational Software), she contributed and managed almost ten (10) FYP Showcases where students had the opportunity to present and demonstrate their prototype system or product.
From the selected FYP, she managed and brought out them into several Research Competitions, local and international, including;
- Novel Research & Innovation Competition – NRIC, (USM),
- International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand Symposium on Innovation and Creativity, iMIT SIC( in UiTM Arau, in Thailand and Indonesia),
- National Innovation and Invention Competition, NIICE (UTHM),
- Innovative Research, Invention and Application Exhibition, I-RIA (UUM) and
- International University Carnival on E-Learning, IUCEL (in UIAM, UNIMAS and virtually in UUM).
Her current research interests include Application of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Affective Computing and Knowledge Management.
Student Project can be categorized as Capstone Project that needs combination of almost all previous knowledge that had been studied and accomplished in other courses/subjects throughout the program (eg. Bachelor Degree) taken. There’s somehow a negative impression and challenge that seems like a burden to the students .This webinar session will hopefully give us a room to shift the students’ assumption that this project can actually be transformed into great innovation. It will soon be a masterpiece that shines in the students’ resume. The journey of transforming the project into a fantastic innovation involves five (5) stages that are summarized within this session:
- Choosing Topic (What are the suitable topic for students? How to choose a suitable topic?)
- Communicating with Supervisor (Why is it important to keep a good communication with supervisor?)
- Preparing and Presenting Project (What are the important steps of preparing the project until it is ready for any presentation?)
- Registering for Intellectual Property, IP (Why it is important to apply for IP?)
- Joining Competition (What are the benefits of joining competition?)
Speaker 2
Mr. Kamaruzaman bin Semin is sitting as The Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum in one of the Primary School of Johor State, while serves in The Malaysia Teachers Standard Development Unit at Teacher Professionalism Division of The Ministry of Education Malaysia. He has a Certificate of Education (Science), and BESC (Hons.) from The Open University Malaysia. He has a broad teaching experience of 20 years in primary schools, 4 years in Inspectorate schools (Jemaah Nazir) and now posted at the Teachers Professionalism Division. Possess comprehensive knowledge and active in innovative programmes; robotics at the National and International level.
He has been awarded as “Guru Inovatif Daerah Muar, Johor.” won Gold Medal awards and declared champion in The International Innovation Competition under the Educational and Teaching category; recognized and received the Asia Pacific Eco Award (APEA AWARD) along with an acknowledgement as The Environment Friendly Scientist from the Pertubuhan Konservasi Alam Malaysia (PERKAM) & Renjer Konservasi Alam Malaysia.
Mentoring is not something he’s unfamiliar off. He mentored the Muar District Robotic Club, his mentee has won silver medal at the international Level and his 13 years old mentee represented Malaysia and hold one of the best rank in the world. He has been invited as a jury in the innovation competitions and most likely active in sharing his passion and success in one of the senior lecturer book published in a university of Malaysia.He sat as an assessor for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Leadership Award at the national level 2017
He has been awarded as “Guru Inovatif Daerah Muar, Johor.” won Gold Medal awards and declared champion in The International Innovation Competition under the Educational and Teaching category; recognized and received the Asia Pacific Eco Award (APEA AWARD) along with an acknowledgement as The Environment Friendly Scientist from the Pertubuhan Konservasi Alam Malaysia (PERKAM) & Renjer Konservasi Alam Malaysia.
Mentoring is not something he’s unfamiliar off. He mentored the Muar District Robotic Club, his mentee has won silver medal at the international Level and his 13 years old mentee represented Malaysia and hold one of the best rank in the world. He has been invited as a jury in the innovation competitions and most likely active in sharing his passion and success in one of the senior lecturer book published in a university of Malaysia.He sat as an assessor for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Leadership Award at the national level 2017
Inovasi dalam pendidikan khususnya dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran guru di Malaysia amat signifikan pada masa kini dengan pelbagai bentuk pembelajaran terutama sepanjang pandemik Covid-19 sama ada pembelajaran dijalankan secara dalam talian mahu pun luar talian. Keperluan inovasi dalam pedagogi guru masa kini amat dituntut bukan sahaja berkaitan krisis kesihatan tersebut malahan transformasi ke arah Pembelajaran Abad ke -21 dan Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang dilaungkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia. Pendekatan PdP guru hendaklah berubah mengikut arus masa yang mana guru-guru perlu mengenal pasti anak muridnya dalam kecenderungan sebarang ilmu pengetahuan , kemahiran yang dipelajarinya selain penerapan nilai yang diperlukan agar kelestarian pendidikan di bilik darjah mahu pun luar bilik darjah menepati visi dan misi KPM dalam melahirkan insan terdidik yang menyeluruh secara holistik. Antara kaedah atau pendekatan guru yang diperlukan bagi meningkatkan inovasi dalam PdP adalah;
i. Visualiti, Auditori dan Kinestatik (VAK)
ii. Project Base Learning (PBL)
iii. Inkuiri Penemuan
iv. Needms Fase ( Fasa Needm)
Dengan pendekatan sedemikian anjakan paradigma guru mahu pun warga pendidik mampu mencipta sebarang inovasi yang memberi impak berkesan kepada anak muridnya. Pembelajaran 3 hala iaitu guru-bahan inovasi-murid amat dituntut setiap kali PdP dilaksanakan agar objektif dan minat murid dicungkil sekaligus menepati hasrat KPM seperti mana dalam dasar Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM 2013-2025) khususnya 6 aspirasi murid.
Adalah menjadi harapan saya setiap warga pendidik sentiasa kreatif, kritis dan berinovaif dalam PdP masa kini bagi merealisasikan hasrat kerajaan dan KPM dalam RI 4.0 dan menjadi sebuah negara maju yang disulami dengan elemen perpaduan serta berinovasi tinggi.
i. Visualiti, Auditori dan Kinestatik (VAK)
ii. Project Base Learning (PBL)
iii. Inkuiri Penemuan
iv. Needms Fase ( Fasa Needm)
Dengan pendekatan sedemikian anjakan paradigma guru mahu pun warga pendidik mampu mencipta sebarang inovasi yang memberi impak berkesan kepada anak muridnya. Pembelajaran 3 hala iaitu guru-bahan inovasi-murid amat dituntut setiap kali PdP dilaksanakan agar objektif dan minat murid dicungkil sekaligus menepati hasrat KPM seperti mana dalam dasar Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM 2013-2025) khususnya 6 aspirasi murid.
Adalah menjadi harapan saya setiap warga pendidik sentiasa kreatif, kritis dan berinovaif dalam PdP masa kini bagi merealisasikan hasrat kerajaan dan KPM dalam RI 4.0 dan menjadi sebuah negara maju yang disulami dengan elemen perpaduan serta berinovasi tinggi.